Yn ôl d'addewid Iesu mawr

(Deisyfiadau am yr Ysbryd Glân)
Rhan II
Yn ôl d'addewid Iesu mawr,
  Yr awr hon, anfon di
Y gwir Ddyddanydd doeth i lawr,
  I aros gyda ni.

O'i wir ewyllys, deued Ef
  I argyhoeddi'r byd,
Ac arwain etifeddion nef,
  Trwy'r anial maith i gyd.
O'i wir ewyllys :: O'th wir ewyllys

John Hughes 1775-1854

Tôn [MC 8686]: Buckingham (Aaron Williams 1731-76)

  Rhan I: Anfon O Dduw yr Ysbryd Glân
  Rhan III: O Ysbryd Sanctaidd cymmer di

(Petitions for the Holy Spirit)
Part II
According to thy promise, great Jesus,
  This hour, send thou
The true, wise Comforter down,
  To stay with us.

Of his true will, may He come
  To convince the world,
And lead the heirs of heaven,
  All through the vast desert.
Of his true will :: Of thy true will

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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